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Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa



Latitude: -32.775689, Longitude: 26.6333485


Matches 1 to 50 of 480

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Anderson, Kenneth  22 May 1895Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12677
2 Anderson, Kenneth Magnus  1857Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I131940
3 Anderson, Vera  23 Aug 1900Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I14046
4 Andrews, Anna Magdalena  15 Sep 1837Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133216
5 Andrews, Elizabeth  29 Jul 1836Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133212
6 Andrews, Fanny Margaretha  7 Sep 1867Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133230
7 Andrews, Margaret Hannah  1 Jul 1842Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133217
8 Andrews, Mary Anne  3 Sep 1835Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133215
9 Attwell, William Hamilton  Abt 1844Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I145714
10 Austen, John Samuel  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I162885
11 Austen, William Bear  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I143953
12 Ayton, Gilbert Fitzwilliam  1 Dec 1863Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I147088
13 Ayton, William  1866Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I147089
14 Bailey, Elizabeth Fanny  13 Jun 1861Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I149092
15 Bain, Michael Edward  15 Sep 1847Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I17192
16 Bain, Victoria Fredrica  1837Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I3172
17 Bain, Walter Carden  24 Mar 1853Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I14193
18 Baker, Thomas  3 May 1850Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I120330
19 Barnes, Ann Hillaria  14 Jun 1838Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I36480
20 Barnes, Arabella Woodcock  20 Dec 1842Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I36482
21 Barnes, Caleb Benjamin  9 Apr 1846Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I36484
22 Barnes, George Harper  1 May 1840Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I36481
23 Barnes, Martha Wedderburn  7 Aug 1844Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I36483
24 Barnes, William John Ayliff  May 1850Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I36485
25 Barry, James Maurice  19 Jan 1853Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I141868
26 Batchelor, Herbert Henry  1 Mar 1864Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I91416
27 Begbie, Elizabeth Kathleen  2 Dec 1903Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I72832
28 Begbie, Mary Jane  6 Apr 1856Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12680
29 Bennett, Constance Maud  28 Mar 1891Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I1401
30 Bezuidenhout, Sophia Aletta  9 Apr 1850Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I128391
31 Blakemore, Charles George  1867Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I146314
32 Blakemore, William Alexander  1858Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I146310
33 Blakeway, Alfred Minto  May 1865Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I1705
34 Bloemhof, Elizabeth Jacoba (Elease)   I131383
35 Bloemhof, Hendricus Bonafacius Gruno  4 Nov 1909Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I131375
36 Bloemhof, Hendricus Bonafacius Gruno (Boet)   I131377
37 Bloemhof, Jacob Lodewyk du Randt  12 Feb 1907Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I131374
38 Bloemhof, Johanna Catherina (Joanne)  13 Feb 1929Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I131384
39 Bloemhof, Johannes  9 Oct 1910Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I109292
40 Bloemhof, Johannes Franciscus  30 Nov 1903Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I131373
41 Bloemhof, Magdalena Maria Aletta (Madge)   I131386
42 Booth, Benjamin Cecil  24 Jan 1887Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45147
43 Booth, Benjamin Cecil   I45149
44 Booth, George Gilbert  17 Mar 1884Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45245
45 Booth, Gladys Edna   I45150
46 Booth, Hazel Trevis   I45151
47 Bosch, Phoebe   I85444
48 Boucher, Charles Amos  27 Aug 1876Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I120511
49 Boucher, Dorcas  1836Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I177694
50 Boucher, Robert William Lloyd  1 Jun 1886Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I22836

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
1 Barnes, Ada Maria  1 Aug 1872Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I4275
2 Barnes, Bertha Eliza  27 Mar 1877Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I4276
3 Barnes, William Kent  11 Jun 1882Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I4278
4 Bentley, Hannah Frances  12 Aug 1844Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I38240
5 Bentley, Harriet  4 Aug 1846Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I48820
6 Bentley, Lyndhurst Elliott  14 Nov 1884Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I162903
7 Bentley, Martha Ann  12 Aug 1844Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I48819
8 Booth, Benjamin Cecil  26 Jun 1887Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45147
9 Booth, Benjamin Cecil   I45149
10 Booth, Emma Eleanor  15 Oct 1903Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45152
11 Booth, Gladys Edna   I45150
12 Booth, Hazel Trevis   I45151
13 Booth, Hetty Cecil  10 Jan 1890Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45153
14 Booth, Ivan Cecil  27 Jan 1900Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45154
15 Booth, Mabel Myra  14 Dec 1892Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45155
16 Booth, Mortimer Greaves  16 Sep 1853Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45144
17 Booth, Robert Godlonton  30 Oct 1849Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45145
18 Booth, Ronald Mortimer  25 Jan 1896Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45156
19 Bovey, Alfred Ernest  11 Apr 1872Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I54193
20 Bradfield, Edmund Dennis  4 Jun 1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I25298
21 Bradfield, Isabella Sarah  29 Aug 1843Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I25297
22 Bradfield, Mary Eliza Crooks  7 Aug 1848Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I25296
23 Bradley, Charles Herbert  11 Apr 1861Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I50245
24 Buckley, Edwin Henry  24 Jun 1859Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I48313
25 Buckley, Ida Rosetta  28 Jan 1863Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I48312
26 Cockcroft, David William   I106667
27 Cockcroft, Janet Lynn   I73573
28 Cockcroft, Stephen Charles   I106660
29 Cowie, Letitia Ann  26 Dec 1850Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I47331
30 Cullinan, John Selby  11 Feb 1872Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I51974
31 Cumming, Charles Stewart  5 Nov 1885Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I42477
32 Cumming, Constance Margaret  12 Jun 1888Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I43758
33 Cumming, Cyril David  24 Apr 1879Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I42474
34 Cumming, Ethel Grace  17 Aug 1881Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I42475
35 Cumming, Hannah Blanche  6 Feb 1877Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I42473
36 Cumming, Herbert Leslie  29 Apr 1890Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I42478
37 Cumming, Percival Arthur James  9 Oct 1875Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I42472
38 Cumming, Ronald Kimber or Kinnear  31 Oct 1892Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I42479
39 Curle, George Butler  3 Oct 1847Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I62325
40 Curle, Henry Ulyate  23 Sep 1849Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65984
41 Curle, Jane Amelia Butler  1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65983
42 Curle, Louisa Kent  9 Nov 1851Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65985
43 Daly, Sarah Jane  20 Feb 1842Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I23066
44 Daniel, Albertine Victoria  7 May 1844Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I63292
45 Dawson, James Thomas  10 Sep 1834Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I47868
46 Dawson, William John  16 Nov 1841Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I48406
47 Dean, Elizabeth  10 Jan 1841Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I141028
48 Dean, John Henry  27 May 1838Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I141027
49 Dell, Eliza Weymouth  18 Jan 1860Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I11746
50 Dicks, Cornelis Marthinus  25 Feb 1844Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65079

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Eliza Ann - wife of William Kent  12 Dec 1898Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I156353
2 Elizabeth  24 Dec 1869Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I11752
3 Ainslie, Susannah Stretch  4 May 1926Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I2772
4 Ainslie, William  4 Oct 1901Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I2744
5 Anderson, Kenneth  14 Nov 1949Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12677
6 Andrews, Elizabeth  13 Jun 1902Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133212
7 Andrews, Fanny Margaretha  17 Apr 1945Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133230
8 Andrews, Susannah  3 Jul 1925Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133214
9 Andrews, William  30 Sep 1903Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133213
10 Armstrong, William 1820 Settler  9 Apr 1856Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I134633
11 Arthur, Mary Horatio  23 Jul 1903Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I182844
12 Austen, John 1820 Settler  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I36534
13 Austen, John 1820 Settler  13 Dec 1850Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I115218
14 Ayton, William  31 Jan 1852Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I155191
15 Barnes, Arthur Shaw  26 Jan 1946Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I25699
16 Barnes, Edward Dixon  26 Jun 1918Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I4265
17 Barry, Maurice  14 Oct 1865Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I54057
18 Bates, Eliza Ann  2 Aug 1882Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I153955
19 Beardmore, Maria 1820 Settler  16 Nov 1880Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I138489
20 Begbie, Albert Edward  2 Nov 1910Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I86313
21 Begbie, John Bryson  18 Feb 1899Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I182843
22 Bell, Bradshaw Daniel  9 Nov 1858Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I151941
23 Bennett, Brian Ross  24 Jan 1966Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I138794
24 Bezuidenhout, Johanna Maria Catharina  14 Aug 1995Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I176994
25 Bishop, Hester Catherine  27 Aug 1927Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I81685
26 Blackbeard, William  1864Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I70040
27 Bloemhof, Hendricus Bonifacius Gruno  15 Aug 1941Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I127887
28 Bloemhof, Jacob Lodewyk du Randt  1 Nov 1928Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I131374
29 Botten, Thomas Alfred  26 Jan 1887Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I152134
30 Bovey, John William  17 Aug 1873Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I54168
31 Bowcher, Priesthood 1820 Settler  3 Jul 1856Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I120417
32 Broster, George  12 Apr 1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I54052
33 Buckley, Albert William Edward  21 May 1875Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I112632
34 Bulgin, Abner  2 Oct 1897Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I159239
35 Bulgin, Emily Rose  10 Jun 1917Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I159241
36 Campbell, Everal Owen Sanderson  5 May 1973Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133032
37 Campbell, Gilbert Douglas Sanderson  2 Dec 1960Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I133037
38 Clack, baby  2 Dec 1916Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I173224
39 Clack, William Henry  12 May 1919Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I124341
40 Clayton, Harriet  6 Feb 1913Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I11691
41 Cockcroft, Gertrude  16 Nov 1911Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I32915
42 Collins, Catherine 1820 Settler  18 Apr 1835Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I69249
43 Cross, Edward Charles  27 Jan 1905Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I86218
44 Curle, George Butler  10 Jun 1859Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65954
45 Curle, Jane Amelia Butler  16 Nov 1917Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65983
46 Currie, Edna Mavis  11 Nov 1962Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I17992
47 Currie, Walter John  26 Nov 1890Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I3590
48 Danckwerts, Walter Eric  23 Jun 1948Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I170438
49 Davies, Francis Filmer  29 Jan 2000Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I160660
50 Dawson, Kate Annan  23 Nov 1934Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I146140

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Mary - wife of Thomas Foden 1820 Settler  Nov 1841Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45301
2 Ayton, Lumley William Stokes  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I147087
3 Ayton, Mary Jane Cecil  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I147086
4 Begbie, Elizabeth Kathleen  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I72832
5 Bovey, Robert Michelmore 1820 Settler  25 Sep 1869Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I54167
6 Browning, William  16 Nov 1869Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I50026
7 Bulgin, Abner  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I159239
8 Clayton, Harriet  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I11691
9 Cumming, David  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I18682
10 Danckwerts, Adolph Victor  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I118917
11 Dawson, Sergeant James 1820 Settler  23 May 1846Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I44329
12 Dudley, John 1820 Settler  4 Jul 1847Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I59068
13 Duffy, Rosetta Georgina  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I112627
14 Dugmore, Alan Gardner  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65170
15 Estment, Harriet Rebecca Ann  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12516
16 Estment, Sarah  27 May 1892Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12689
17 Estment, Uriah  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12679
18 Estment, William James  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12648
19 Gardner, Charles Cecil  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I26993
20 Gardner, Helen Dugmore  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I118916
21 Giddy, Bertram Hoskins  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I58630
22 Giddy, Edith  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I58985
23 Godlonton, Maurice Glanville  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I140103
24 Hobson, David Edmond  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I28652
25 Holliday, John  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I14922
26 Hollis, Leslie Colin  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I154309
27 Jackson, Muriel Bower  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I153876
28 Kent, Beryl Amelia  6 Jan 1995Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I13128
29 Kobus, Alfred Emil  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I49036
30 Leary, Annie Catherine Caroline  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I157881
31 Lloyd, Harriet Rebecca  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12659
32 Loftie-Eaton, Frederick  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I72831
33 Mildenhall, George Joseph  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I148239
34 Mildenhall, Gladys  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I151018
35 Moles, Lucy 1820 Settler  9 Jan 1848Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65947
36 Moss, Charles  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I157880
37 Muggleton, Agnes Maude  4 Dec 1870Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I48410
38 Niland, John 1820 Settler  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I59085
39 Painter, Ada Mary  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I147066
40 Pedlar, Henry 1820 Settler  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12173
41 Pedlar, Jessie Arbel  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I151005
42 Pollard, Elizabeth 1820 Settler  24 Aug 1871Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12162
43 Prime, Sarah 1820 Settler  13 Apr 1841Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I59014
44 Smith, Kathleen May  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I154310
45 Sterley, Etheleen  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I115931
46 Stokes, George Morris  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I36441
47 Stokes, Jane Eliza  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I132781
48 Sweetnam, Albert Charles  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I115992
49 Sweetnam, James Joseph  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I112626
50 Sweetnam, Marjorie Etheleen  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I141238

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Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Baptism    Person ID 
1 Dawson, Catherine Elvina  16 Sep 1834Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I47867
2 Dean, John Henry  27 May 1838Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I141027


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Confirmation    Person ID 
1 Lloyd, Harriet Estment  30 Oct 1887Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12446


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Stringfellow, Thomas King 1820 Settler  17 Feb 1875Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I67325
2 Webster, William Francis  31 Dec 1891Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I83814


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    MILI    Person ID 
1 Featherstone, Robert David  1829Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I6119


Matches 1 to 22 of 22

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Occupation    Person ID 
1 Bain, Michael  Between 1844 and 1847Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I17190
2 Barry, Maurice  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I54057
3 Cowie, John  1850Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I66862
4 Curle, George Butler  1853Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65954
5 Estment, William James  Between 1853 and 1870Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12648
6 Greathead, Herbert Harding  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I2687
7 Impey, Samuel Patton  1849Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I24776
8 James, Thomas Samuel  1848Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I46105
9 Keightley, Joseph George Curle  1843Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I69178
10 Lloyd, Robert  1850Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12690
11 Mildenhall, Henry Josiah  1885Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I18687
12 Muggleton, William James  1869Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I12693
13 Page, George  1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45243
14 Painter, Edwin Joseph  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I28500
15 Painter, Richard Joseph 1820 Settler  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I28505
16 Rudd, David  Between 1843 and 1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I14069
17 Stewart, John Allan  1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I45354
18 Timms, Henry William  Between 1908 and 1928Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I78657
19 Vaughan, John Joseph 1820 Settler  Between 1844 and 1846Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I69326
20 Vice, John  1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I83491
21 Wallace, Charles William  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I65991
22 Warren, William Henry  1869Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I14924


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Capper, Thomas 1820 Settler  1855Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I159147
2 Graham, Dereck  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I40648
3 Hancock, Douglas  1945Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I127009
4 Hanesworth, Arthur  1920Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I151305
5 Martin, Robert William West Leonard  1920Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa I145455


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   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Adendorff / Pedlar  20 Aug 1887Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F5770
2 Ainslie / Dorrington  16 Nov 1875Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F31735
3 Ainslie / Dorrington  7 May 1895Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F31739
4 Batchelor / Botha  29 Oct 1855Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F44139
5 Blackburn / Shaw  15 Jan 1891Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F8881
6 Bloemhof / du Randt  16 Dec 1901Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F46792
7 Boucher / Soweitskey  18 Mar 1856Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F43027
8 Bovey / Muggleton  7 Mar 1861Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F19507
9 Boyd / Lawler  27 Jan 1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F23477
10 Bradfield / Kent  6 Dec 1849Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F25498
11 Browning / Franke  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F17945
12 Bruce / Boucher  30 Jun 1856Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F62375
13 Caldecott / Smith  18 Mar 1841Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F47122
14 Caldecott / Williams  16 Jan 1866Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F49010
15 Cawood / Buckley  22 May 1862Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F4130
16 Clack / Iverach  12 Jan 1916Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F60910
17 Cross / Stokes  25 Jul 1882Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F46893
18 Curry / Rudd  10 Aug 1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F28598
19 Dargon / Eastland  7 Jul 1842Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F39590
20 Dorrington / Ainslie  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F31736
21 Dugmore / Cousins  16 Dec 1879Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F1246
22 Dugmore / Hornabrook  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F23874
23 Edwards / Mills   F44282
24 Elliott / Henman  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F47923
25 Elliott / Moorcroft  16 Aug 1870Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F53454
26 Emett / McMaster  3 Sep 1856Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F18259
27 Estment / Begbie  3 Nov 1881Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F4782
28 Estment / Pollard  17 Aug 1905Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F4890
29 Estment / Whitecross  22 Jun 1898Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F4472
30 Eva / Allwright  4 Feb 1845Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F39432
31 Ewing / James  1 Oct 1857Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F18341
32 Eyre / Trollip   F8371
33 Fisher / King  1860Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F5710
34 Fitchet / Drake  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F51389
35 Freemantle / Goldsmith  25 Sep 1907Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F12352
36 Gilbert / Curle  31 Dec 1863Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F24348
37 Gilbert / Stokes  Aug 1858Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F15873
38 Green / Estment  22 Oct 1879Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F4867
39 Green / Taylor  9 Feb 1857Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F30389
40 Green / Wiggill  7 Jan 1860Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F17299
41 Hall / Dickason  19 Nov 1935Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F22757
42 Heath / Nel  4 Mar 1901Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F31249
43 Heath / Oosthuizen  23 Aug 1841Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F28933
44 Heath / Vice  20 Oct 1924Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F61528
45 Hepburn / Cumming  28 Jun 1898Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F15292
46 Higgs / Austen  25 Mar 1844Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F45251
47 Hockey / Green  4 Mar 1891Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F30400
48 Holden / Bulgin  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F56270
49 Hyman / Clarke  4 Dec 1867Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F65023
50 Jackson / Lloyd  Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F5776

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Ω Residence:RESI

Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family    Ω Residence:RESI    Family ID 
1 Featherstone / Finaughty  Between 1837 and 1838Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F19727
2 Featherstone / Finaughty  Between 1837 and 1838Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa F19727

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