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Welcome to 1820 Settler Genealogies and Other related information

This Genealogy website is a totally free website, dedicated to the British Settlers to South Africa in 1820, their descendants and researchers.
All the genealogical information has been generously supplied or posted by the members of this website, or has been transcribed from various websites, mailing lists, reports, documents or books by interested persons or myself, with relevant source information where ever it was possible.
My objective with the website is to build a complete and accurate record of all the 1820 Settlers and their families with relevant historical information about them before the information is lost to us.

It is NOT a social media website, and I do not keep contact details for everyone listed on this website. I maintain it as part of my genealogy hobby, and update it when I can. I also reserve the right to reject and/or refuse to publish certain data, photos, etc, and family trees not related to my hobby or not within my scope for this website

It is NOT necessary for you to register or login to view any of the data on the website. You cannot change any data, except by emailing me the changes.

You can click the image at the top of any page to return to this page.

Messages from Admin

If you are enquiring about British Passports or Visas Please go and read The UK Government pages.. I cannot help you with information. Thanks, Paul

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This site powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding v. 14.0.4, written by Darrin Lythgoe © 2001-2025.

Maintained by Paul Tanner-Tremaine. | Data Protection Policy, Terms of Use and Disclaimers.